Seismological Society of America(SSA)--美国地震学会

来源: 美国地震学会



  Our Community

  The Seismological Society of America (SSA) was born in the aftershocks of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, as engineers, mathematicians and geologists united to learn more about the devastating event. From these earliest days, SSA has been committed to the science of seismology and sharing research with the public to help build an earthquake-aware world. While the home base for our nonprofit organization remains in California, more than 40 percent of our 2,800 members live and work outside the U.S.

  Our Passion

  SSA scientists and engineers seek to understand how, where, when and why earthquakes occur. They lie awake at night thinking up new ways to mitigate seismic hazards. They use their seismic expertise for informing plans for safer buildings and roads and improving emergency responses. Keeping a scientific eye on nuclear weapons testing and chemical explosions, they work in the service of international treaties and a more peaceful world.

  Our Work

  The Society’s journals, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) and Seismological Research Letters (SRL), are the leading source of peer-reviewed research in seismology and related disciplines. We guide the next generation of seismologists, recognizing their excellence with our awards, building their networks through our travel grant programs and furthering their training with workshops and conferences, including our expanding Annual Meetings and our sponsorship of international seismology meetings. SSA collaborates with more than 40 other geosciences organizations throughout the world, ensuring that the voice of seismology reaches policy makers, educators and journalists.